u,hdishdkq u.S .=jka hdkhla .=jfka § w;=reoka
u,hdishdkq u.S .=jka hdkhla lajd,d,dïmQ¾ n,d msg;aj hk w;r;=r îðx .=jka iSudfõ§ f.dvìu m%Odk fufyhqï tallh iuÛ jk iïnkaO;d ì|jeàu fya;=fjka hdkh fidhd n,OdÍyq mÍlaIK wrUd ;sfí'
MH370 orK fuu hdkh u.Ska 227la iuÛ 12 fokl=f.ka hq;a ld¾h uKav,hla iuÛ .uka .;a nj u,hdishdkq .=jka fiajdj i|yka lrhs'
trg fõ,dfjka 02'40g muK hdkh iuÛ we;s iïnkaO;d fuf,i .s,syS f.dia we;s nj wod< .=jka fiajdj mjid we;'
A man takes pictures of a flight information board displaying the Scheduled Time of Arrival ^STA& of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 ^top" in red& at the Beijing Capital International Airport in Beijing" March 8" 2014' ^Reuters $ Kim Kyung Hoon&
.=jfka § m%Odk f.dvìu fufyhqï tallh iu. iïnkaO;d ìojegqKq" oekg mÍlaIK wrUd we;s tïtÉ370 .=jka hdkh l,igyfka r;= mdáka olajd we;s whqre