Maleysian Air Plane ...

08 March 2014

.=jfka§ w;=reoka u.S .=jkahdkfha lsisÿ Y‍%S ,dxlslhl= kE

.=jfka§ w;=reoka jQ u,hdishdkq .=jka fiajdjg wh;a tutÉ370  .=jka hdkfha lsisÿ Y‍%S ,dxlslhl= fkdisá njg tu .=jka fiajh mjihs'

lajd,d,dïmQ¾ n,d msg;a jQ .=jka hdkh îðx .=jka iSudfõ§ f.dvìu msysá m‍%Odk fufyhqï tallh iuÛ iïkaO;d ì|jeà ;sìK'

bkamiqj meje;s udOH idlÉPjl§ u,hdishdkq .=jka fiajh mejiqfõ cd;Ska 13 lg wh;a u.Ska 228 fokl= tys isá njhs'

Ök iy ;dhsjdk cd;slhka 154la" u,hdishdkq cd;slhka 38la" bkaÿkSishdkq cd;slhka 12la"  ´iafÜ‍%,shdkq cd;slhka 7la" m‍%xY cd;slhka 3la" wefußldkq cd;slhka 4la" kjiS,ka; cd;slhka 2la" hqlaf¾k cd;slhka 2la" lekvd cd;slhka 2la" reishdkq" b;d,s" fko¾,ka; yd Tiaá‍%hdkq cd;shl= ne.ska tu .=jka hdkfha isá nj wod< .=jka fiajh mjid we;'

.=jka kshuq uef,aishdkq cd;sl lemagka iydß wyuÙ Idya úiska fuu hdkh .=jka .; lr we;' 53 yeúßÈ Tyq 1981 § u,hdishdkq .=jka fiajhg ne÷Kq 18"365l .=jka ld,h ysñ kshuqfjls'

fuu .=jka hdkfha m‍%Odkshd f,i lghq;= lrkq ,nkafka uef,aishdkq cd;sl *dßla wíyóÙ kue;s 27 yeúßÈ whl= jk w;r" 2007 jif¾§ Tyq u,hdishdkq .=jka fiajhg iïkaO ù we;s w;r Tyq i;= uq¿ .=jka ld,h 2763ls'

w;=reoka .=jka hdkh fidhd fufyhqï C%shd;aul lr we;'
A man takes pictures of a flight information board displaying the Scheduled Time of Arrival (STA) of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 (top, in red) at the Beijing Capital International Airport in Beijing, March 8, 2014. (Reuters / Kim Kyung Hoon)
A man takes pictures of a flight information board displaying the Scheduled Time of Arrival ^STA& of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 ^top" in red& at the Beijing Capital International Airport in Beijing" March 8" 2014' ^Reuters $ Kim Kyung Hoon&

.=jfka § m‍%Odk f.dvìu fufyhqï tallh iu. iïnkaO;d ìojegqKq" oekg mÍlaIK wrUd we;s tïtÉ370 .=jka hdkh l,igyfka r;= mdáka olajd we;s whqre

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.=jka hdkh f.dvìu m‍%Odk fufyhqï tallh iu. iïnkaO;d ìojegqKq îðx .=jka iSudj

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